KOLKATA: The telecom department (DoT), following a nudge from the finance ministry, is speeding up harmonisation of airwaves in the 1800 Mhz band, to free up an extra 10 MHz of pan-India 4G spectrum before the next auction likely in early-2016. Harmonisation will makes airwaves contiguous or `continuous', which ...
NEW DELHI: Railways Minister Suresh Prabhu today said the locomotive factories in Bihar will help in boosting manufacturing activities in the country that will contribute to the overall economic growth. He was speaking at the formal contract agreement signing ceremony for the two Rs 40,000 crore modern locomotive joint ...
Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his Pakistani counterpart had a "casual meeting" on Monday on the sidelines of the climate summit in Paris, warmly shaking hands before sitting down for a brief two-minute chat, amidst a chill in the bilateral ties.
LONDON: The U.S. Federal Reserve and European Central Bank are expected to deliver sharply contrasting policy decisions next month, reflecting how the world's two largest economies have moved from the Great Recession to the Great Divide. The U.S. and euro zone central banks have been on a similar path ...
The alliance of 122 countries lying between the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn has been formed to collectively harness the power of the sun. India has pledged $30 million for the initiative and has decided to host the ISA in the premises of its National Institute of Solar Energy, based ...
India's ambitious renewable energy push, which includes a seven-fold increase in generation capacity, is unlikely to help bridge the country's huge development deficit. Its development needs are real. It is not just the 400 million people without access to electricity and hundreds of million more who are underserved compared to ...
NEW DELHI: Marking the first big FDI in the railway sector, the Indian Railways today signed Rs 40,000-crore contracts with GE and Alstom to set up two locomotive plants in Bihar with a view to boosting manufacturing and employment in the state. Terming it as the "first major" manufacturing ...
NEW DELHI: Telecom solutions provider Spice Mobility will increase number of women employees in coming days with its target to bring at least 20 per cent of them in leadership roles. "The global average is 40 per cent women employees. We at Spice Mobility will take up the task ...
MUMBAI: Unlisted companies raising funds through securities without having a public offer document will be exempt from penal action if they provide a refund option along with 15 per cent interest rate at the time of issuance, Sebi said today. The relaxation will be applicable to entities that have ...