Two days ahead of New Year, two labourers of Panna district in Madhya Pradesh received a gift turning them into crorepatis. A big diamond mined by the duo of Motilal and Raghuveer Prajapati almost two months ago fetched a price of Rs 2.55 crore in an auction held on Friday.
Investors are comfortable with either a BJP- or Congress-led coalition government as reforms have continued 67299537 67298279 67284964 during both the regimes, said Kamlesh Rao, CEO of Kotak Securities. The froth and over valuation in the mid-cap space has come off sharply due to the underperformance compared with the Nifty, ...
India, who have thrice shared series honours in Australia - in 1980-81 (1-1), 1985-86 (0-0) and 2003-04 (1-1) - will be looking to press home the advantage they hold and make it a memorable new year in Sydney.
The Indian Institutes of Management (IIMs) got their third woman director this year but the country's broader higher education space is overwhelmingly male when it comes to top jobs. Only 63 out of a total of 1,008 institutes including central, state, private, deemed universities and institutes of national importance have ...