Maharashtra government is coming up with a comprehensive integrated dashboard that will provide real-time information on oxygen supply as well as medicines required for patients suffering from Covid-19 infection.Powered by WPeMatico
Child plans are known to offer greater returns when compared to traditional investment avenues such as PPF or FDs.
The Congress party had already been deserted by sitting MLAs, be in Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Goa or Karnataka.
Speaking Wednesday during a marathon live call-in show, Putin said that the US aircraft's apparent mission was to monitor the Russian military's response to the British destroyer. He added that Moscow was aware of the US intentions and responded accordingly to avoid revealing sensitive data.
In order to ensure total transparency in the evaluation process of the merit list of candidates, the answers will be posted on the net before publishing the results.
Kareena looked chic in a black dress at Manish Malhotra's house party