In some relief to Shilpa Shetty Kundra, the Bombay high court on Friday asked a TV channel based in Uttar Pradesh to take down a video content which it observed “clearly portrays her as duplicitous at a personal level” and noted that two others—an “online journalist” and a host of ...
Kerala reported a slight drop in fresh Covid-19 cases on Friday but numbers rose for the second straight day in Tamil Nadu even as India’s daily case count dipped marginally but remained above 41,000 for the fourth day running. India reported 41,454 fresh cases of the virus on Friday, down ...
Mizoram chief minister Zoramthanga has assured that there will be “no restrictions” and “no harm” to non-Mizos entering the state. However, the CM’s assurance on Friday coupled with his reiteration from his Twitter handle that “NorthEast India Will Always Be One” came even as his government refused to withdraw its ...
A pandemic year that confined students to their homes, with the classroom going online, had stoked anxiety and fear. The Class XII students, poised to embrace college life, were on tenterhooks. It turns out that all those fears were misplaced. The results announced by Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) ...
Mastercard, Visa and American Express may face higher tax bills as they start setting up data servers in India, a move that will ultimately lead to these global card payment companies crossing the "permanent establishment" (PE) threshold in this geography. A large part of the income generated by these companies ...
Mumbai-born Shailesh Jejurikar will take over as chief operating officer at Procter & Gamble (P&G) in October as part of a global succession plan, joining the growing league of Indians at the helm of global consumer firms.The world’s biggest consumer goods maker on Friday said Jon R Moeller, vice chairman ...
Gross margin expanded 60bps YoY to 56.8% due to higher realisations and mix benefit partly offset by RM pressure – inflationary oil and packaging materials while wheat and dairy prices are largely supportive.
“As the scheme would be fund limited, in case the company fails to meet the committed threshold in any given year, it will not receive any benefits for that year.