A fraudulent scheme exploiting devotees on the pretext of seeking donations for the Ram Temple has emerged. The Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) has warned about a cybercriminal network circulating social media messages with QR codes to swindle money. The Shri Ram Janmbhoomi Teerth Kshetra has not authorized anyone to collect ...
Priyanka Chopra's mother, Dr. Madhu Chopra, recently spoke highly of her daughter and son-in-law, Nick Jonas, in an interview with Free Press Journal. She praised Nick for his family-oriented approach and caring nature towards their daughter, Malti Marie Chopra Jonas. Madhu also commended Priyanka's ...
It would not be an exaggeration to say that Bobby Deol's performance in Animal marked one of the biggest Bollywood comebacks of 2023. Not only Bobby Deol but also his father, legendary actor Dharmendra, impressed the audience with his acting ...
The ongoing discussion surrounds India's extended quest for an ICC trophy, with former players and fans alike questioning the team's persistent issue. The last time India secured a major ICC tournament victory was in 2013, clinching the ICC Champions Trophy under the captaincy of MS Dhoni. In 2023, the 'Men ...