As the monsoon sweeps across India, airlines are raining offers as they seek to push people to take to the skies during the lean season with tickets on some sectors as low as Rs 1,199. India’s biggest airline by market share IndiGo is offering fares as low as Rs 1,200 for domestic bookings till the end of June. Jet Airways, the country’s number two airline by the same metric, has slashed domestic fares by 25% and international ticket prices by up to 30%. No-frills airline GoAir is offering domestic fares as low as Rs 1,199.“Monsoon months usually constitute a lean travel season. These fares will help in spurring travel demand,” said Sharat Dhall, president of travel portal Airfares in India have long broken out of their seasonal, cyclical nature thanks to aggressive all-year offers by airlines in a fiercely competitive market, also one of the fastest-growing in the world. On the flipside, the fares will hurt margins for airlines at a time when jet fuel prices are inching up. Airline executives have complained consistently about growing pressure on yields. “With fuel prices rising, there will be a time soon when airlines will have to pass them on,” said Balu Ramachandran, head of air travel business at travel portal Cleartrip. “Customers would do well to book their travel now. Fifteen-day-out average fares are still constihovering around Rs 6,500. But beyond that, there is a steep fall to Rs 4,400.” The offers aren’t limited to domestic flights. Malaysia Airlines just ended a 72-hour sale in which return tickets to Kuala Lumpur (barring taxes) were as low as Rs 14,000 and business class fares started at Rs 35,000. No-frills carrier FlyDubai is offering promotional fares of Rs 32,000-36,000 to destinations such as Oman and Tanzania. “As we enter the lean season, airlines have come out with discounted airfares,” said John Nair, head of business travel, Cox & Kings. “The discounts are primarily to Southeast Asia, North Asia and Australia.“This is also the lean season for tourism in these regions and the airlines attempt to woo the ever-growing, Indian outbound travel market,” Nair said. He also pointed out that long weekends are coming up in the next three months. “Travellers time their short vacations to take advantage of low fares. The reduction would be anywhere between 15 to 20%,” he said. The reduced fares are having an effect. “Despite being a traditionally lean period, monsoon travel this year has seen a steady uptake of 28% over last year to popular destinations such as Goa, Kochi, cities in the northeast, Port Blair, Singapore, Abu Dhabi and Thailand,” said Rakshit Desai, managing director, FCM Travel Solutions, the Indian subsidiary of Flight Centre Travel Group, Australia. “Additionally, we have observed an increasing demand from travellers for the Independence Day (August 15) week as well as Ganesh Chaturthi (mid-September), primarily driven by flash sales and special offers by lowcost airlines.”What’s on offerDomesticIndiGo starting Rs 1,200 GoAir starting Rs 1,199InternationalMalaysia AirlinesDelhi-Kuala LumpurRs 14,000 (economy class)Rs 35,000 (business class)FlyDubaiOman Rs 32,000Tanzania Rs 36,000