Jawan trailer released almost a week before the film’s release but it has been creating non-stop buzz nonetheless. Shah Rukh Khan as a jawan anti-hero fights Vijay Sethupathi and Nayanthara’s team in the trailer. Of course, the Internet loves it. The other thing that the Internet loves is the viral-worthy Alia Bhatt dialogue. Seated in the Mumbai metro, when jawan is asked, “What do you want?” His ROFL reply is “Chahiye toh Alia Bhatt (I want Alia Bhatt).” As expected, the scene is winning the Internet – the many posts and memes on X (previously known as Twitter) are proof.
Before we check out the tweets, here’s the trailer of Jawan:
This user loved the Alia Bhatt “punchline” among other things.
#JawanTrailer – TRAILER OF THE CENTURY#ShahRukhKhan is in Beast Mode.
A Certified Blockbuster Coming!!Loved the Talented cast & Especially The #AliaBhatt Punchline
Theatres gonna burst for Intense Action Sequence & Superb Score (BGM)#Atlee
2023 is all For #SRK pic.twitter.com/eyXNP1COqE— MANAS (@MANAS_2507) August 31, 2023
Fair to say that the scene cracked the Internet up.
Okay starting #jawanTrailer now
Chahiye toh #AliaBhatt okay?— (@nesaranodu) August 31, 2023
“Chahiye toh Alia Bhatt” literary came out of the syllabus,” another user wrote.
“Chahiye toh Alia Bhatt” literary came out of the syllabus #AliaBhatt https://t.co/PH0V4nWy5L
— H E L L (@__hell__00) August 31, 2023
“Unexpected. #AliaBhatt #JawanTrailer baat toh sahi hai,” another tweet read.
Unexpected #AliaBhatt#JawanTrailer baat toh sahi hai @iamsrk loveeeeee #ShahRukhKhan pic.twitter.com/LQzRnhdRUa
— FAN GIRL (@Aliaz_harshita) August 31, 2023
“Chahiye toh Alia Bhatt – OMG the way I screamed,” straight from an Alia Bhatt fan.
Chahiye to Alia Bhatt
Omg the way I screamed #JawanTrailer #AliaBhatt— (@sairaxtweetz) August 31, 2023
“Us SRK Sir, us. We all want Alia Bhatt,” wrote a user sharing the scene from the trailer.
Us @iamsrk Sir Us.
We all want @aliaa08 #JAWAN #JawanTrailer #JawanPreReleaseEvent #AliaBhatt pic.twitter.com/okOx17Nycx— Swarup Majumdar (@Swarup1705) August 31, 2023
Pretty much sums it up – “Every Alia Bhatt fanboy ever,” read this tweet.
Every #Aliabhatt fanboy ever #Jawan #ShahRukhKhan pic.twitter.com/P09eiHvXyO
— (@highoncinema__) August 31, 2023
Memes were shared too.
Alia bhatt to Shah Rukh Khan after watching Jawan trailer #JawanTrailer #AliaBhatt pic.twitter.com/5D8xROIqUo
— HOTTAKES (@truth_social7) August 31, 2023
Alia Bhatt and Shah Rukh Khan are co-stars of the 2016 film Dear Zindagi. The duo also co-produced the film Darlings last year. The film marked Alia’s debut as a film producer.
Other than Shah Rukh Khan, the film also features Nayanthara, and Vijay Sethupathi in lead roles, Deepika Padukone in a special appearance, along with Sanya Malhotra, Priyamani, Girija Oak, Sanjeeta Bhattacharya, Lehar Khan, Aaliyah Qureshi, Ridhi Dogra and Sunil Grover.