Sunny Deol’s Gadar 2 is continuing to make waves at the box office. The film has minted over Rs 474 crores, so far. Gadar 2, the sequel to the 2001 film Gadar: Ek Prem Katha, was released on August 11 in theatres. While Gadar 2 continues its historic run at the box office, Sunny Deol recently opened up about an incident at the airport where he was seen losing his cool with a fan. During a podcast, the actor recalled the incident and explained the reasons behind his outburst. Sunny Deol told Ranveer Allahbadia, “Kya ho jata hai ki… mai itna bhag raha hu. Beech mai bhagte bhagte meri halat… back mai catch aa gaya tha, phir bhi mai laga hua tha because I had to…Aur mere sath kitni baar hota hai, dard ho raha hota hai, phir bhi mai chalta rehta hu. Obviously, fans hote hai. They love you. Kitni baar ho bhi gaya, phir bhi voh hatte nahi hai. Us wakt mai yeh nahi soch raha ki voh mereko video shoot kar raha hai ya nhi. Us moment ka jo reaction hota hai, ki hogaya na yarrr, mat kar na yaar. (Sometimes what happens is that I am constantly running around. I also got a catch in my back recently, but still, I am at it and I have to go along with it. So many times, it has happened that I am in pain but still have to keep moving. Obviously, fans love you, and you share that with them. A lot of times, even when it (selfie) is done, they don’t move away. So at that time, I was not thinking if someone was recording me. I was only thinking, ‘Let me carry on. Please try and understand’).”
“Na mai usko rundown kar raha hu. Aur voh ek emotional connect hota hai. Jis tarah se log usko cut kar karna chahate hai, aur jo kar rahe hai, unhe maza aa raha hai toh chalo voh khush hai… maza le. Par usse mai toh nhi badalne wala. (There is an emotional connection with fans. Whoever wants to edit and present it like that, does so, and those who are doing it are having fun. Let them be. I am not going to change because of that),” Sunny Deol added.
Sunny Deol also added in Punjabi, “Next time I meet the fan, I will say, ‘I have made a mistake, please forgive me. At that time, my mind was in such a space, please try and understand.’ I would hug him and tell him that I didn’t mean it.’”
The actor, who has been busy with back-to-back interviews, also spoke about his relationship with colleague, superstar Shah Rukh Khan. Sunny Deol revealed that SRK called to congratulate him on Gadar 2‘s success. He told Times Now, “He [Shah Rukh Khan] had seen this film and before that, he called me up and wished me and he was so happy. He told me, ‘I am so happy, you genuinely deserve it,’ and I said, ‘Thank you.'” Sunny Deol also spoke to SRK’s wife Gauri Khan. The actor said, “I spoke to his wife and son and he said that tonight we’re going to watch the film. And I said great. And I think after that he has seen the film and tweeted about it.”
Shah Rukh Khan worked with Sunny Deol in Yash Chopra’s 1993 hit Darr.