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Angry Kingfisher Airlines employees say Vijay Mallya has blood on his hands

Saturday, March 5, 2016, 11:49
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Employees of defunct carrier Kingfisher Airlines Saturday wrote and angry letter to its chairman Vijay Mallya saying his “hear his impure” and that he has “blood on his hands.” Mallya recently came into the news after he resigned from United Spirits as chairman. Diageo-owned USL offered him a severance package of $75 million (Rs 515 crore). This led Kingfisher’s lenders to appeal to the debt recovery tribunal (DRT) to restrain the payment so they get their unpaid dues first. Most recently, 13 lenders, led by the State Bank of India approached the Delhi High Court appealing Mallya be arrested and his passport impounded. Mallya’s Kingfisher Airlines shut operations in 2012 due to problems of credit and cash, leaving over $2 billion in debt, more than 1000 employees jobless and unpaid salary arrears of over Rs 100 crore. The salaries remain unpaid. The letter from the employees is reproduced below: Dear Mr. Mallya, We are compelled to write this letter to you not only as kingfisher employees but also law abiding tax payers/citizens of India.Please also note that this letter is addressed not only to the chairman of KFA but also to an industrialist as well as the M.P. who represents our country. We have been under continuous pain and agony due to your apathy towards us,however, it was particularly aggravated by your recent callous ‘NO REGRET” remark about KFA, for us KFA still exists as we are still on the payrolls although without pay as we never received any communication from you, after you promised revival, about the shut down of the company and our fate. We knew a little about the rotten system of our country but thanks to people like you that the real scenario of our country is so hopeless that it evokes nothing less than suicidal tendency in common man who regularly and sincerely pays tax with pride only to be looted by people like you in collusion with politicians/banks who are custodian of our hard earned money.Its shocking that banks ignored all the advises of CBI,still no action in sight against those corrupt bankers.It’s all so depressing that common man has given up and feels EXTORTED while paying taxes, although government changed but your powers only increased.Courts have given orders in favour of some of us but little we knew that execution of decree is altogether a different and impossible process.Our ordeal with labour ministry gave us nothing more than never ending dates with no action. 1.) Is CBI so weak to take action on its own? why criminal proceedings were not initiated against you? 2.)Why only common man has fear of IT department? 3.) Is this very late aggressive approach of SBI anything more than a trick to fool the tax payers? 4.) Why our system is not accountable to the tax payers? All these question should be addressed by the finance ministry/PMO to restores tax payers faith in our system.People like you start a company with our own money exploit the system and wind up operations without even iota of shame .We are still not able to understand what you meant when you said “I DON’T HAVE MONEY TO PAY YOUR SALARIES” while the spree continues let it be CARIBBEAN PREMIER LEAGUE OR LUXURIOUS YATCH. You are able walk to away scot free due to the depressing fact that the whole rotten system abets people like you let it be banks, investigative agencies,airport authority,fuel companies,police as well as media houses.We don’t know whether it’s your influence in media houses or it’s their callous approach towards common man that most of them chose to ignore you and paid attention to make a hero out of a person who is out on bail, portraying him as the ultimate victim and hero, while no such continous outrage on the sacrifice of our soldiers,hunger/medical related deaths and suicide of our farmers.Common man fear police and there are thousands of people facing atrocities of the police across all the states.We would be happy if media focused on bigger picture if they really want to bring a radical change in the society where not people like you but common man is treated like a customer by police as in corporate world. The Bangalore police was not able to trace you for one year for serving the summon such is the loyalty of our system to people like you.Foolish to expect any action against them. As you won’t have regrets, It’s also important to highlight that how much damage you have caused to the image of our country particularly aviation industry, because of your frauds upcoming airlines are finding it difficult to get aircraft on lease from the leasing companies. Some of the leasing companies found it very hard to recover their aircraft while some of their aircraft have reduced to nothing more than junk,as a result new airlines have to pay very high lease amounts.Everyone knows that you including your son wont be able to spend all the wealth that you have earned then why not atleast pay the salaries of your employees. Please discharge your duties at-least for the sake of millions of people who still idiolise you for reasons unknown to us and for the sake of international agencies who honoured you with awards (Asian award organisers expressed their helplessness when we requested them to recall the awards given to you, where as American university who awarded you PHD chose to ignore us,otherwise,international agencies are very prompt to interfere in the internal matters of our country).We also hope our prime minister could help us get our dues. We also hope our prime minister could help us get our dues,otherwise, we always feel deprived of our rights while discharging all our duties. We hope that new bankruptcy/insolvency laws proposed under the able leadership of our Prime Minister make the situation better, its up to the lawmakers to decide, however, the chances are bleak for you are part of the law making process. (AS an M.P. as well as member of committee on industry for action taken report.) You should be able to hear the screams of the poor citizens/farmers if you had conscience or if they had voice in our country. Mr. Mallya your heart is impure and you have blood on your hands.We have so much to tell you but you won’t have patience and time to listen all that. Please do have regret and don’t set precedents dangerous to our country and aspiring entrepreneurs. GET WELL SOON. Kingfisher Employees who are citizens of India as well.

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