NEW DELHI: Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited (BHEL) said it has bagged a Rs 3500 crore order for setting up a 660 mw supercritical thermal power plant in West Bengal.The order for setting up the Sagardighi Thermal Power Project Extension Unit-5 at Manigram village in Murshidabad district of West Bengal has been placed on BHEL by West Bengal Power Development Corporation (WBPDCL), an official statement said.BHEL’s scope of work in the project includes design, engineering, manufacture, supply, and commissioning of the main plant turnkey package, it said.The key equipment for the project will be manufactured at BHEL’s Trichy, Haridwar, Bhopal, Ranipet, Hyderabad, Jhansi, Thirumayam and Bengaluru plants, while the company’s power sector – eastern region division will be responsible for construction and installation activities on site.BHEL is India’s largest manufacturer of power generation equipment with an installed base of over 1,83,000 mw of power plant equipment globally.