Former Union minister and BJP Lok Sabha MP Babul Supriyo in a Facebook post today indicated that he is leaving the BJP and politics. Babul Supriyo, however, clarified that he is not joining any other party and that he has always been a “one team player”.”Goodbye. I’m not going to any political party. TMC, Congress, CPI(M) nobody has called me, I’m not going anywhere…One need not be in politics to do social work,” read his post.The two-time member of Parliament was among the 12 ministers who were dropped from Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s cabinet on July 7 as part of a rejig. His fate was likely sealed when he lost to the Trinamool Congress’s Aroop Biswas in the April-May West Bengal assembly elections.During the first term of the BJP-led National Democratic Alliance government, Supriyo served as a minister of state for urban development, housing and urban poverty alleviation from November 2014 to July 2016, and minister of state for heavy industries and public enterprises from July 2016 to May 2019. He also served as minister of state for environment.BJP MP & ex-Union Minister Babul Supriyo quits politics, makes an announcement through his Facebook page.”Goodbye…— ANI (@ANI) 1627731457000
Former Union minister and BJP Lok Sabha MP Babul Supriyo in a Facebook post today indicated that he is leaving the BJP and politics. Babul Supriyo, however, clarified that he is not joining any other party and that he has always been a “one team player”.”Goodbye. I’m not going to any political party. TMC, Congress, CPI(M) nobody has called me, I’m not going anywhere…One need not be in politics to do social work,” read his post.The two-time member of Parliament was among the 12 ministers who were dropped from Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s cabinet on July 7 as part of a rejig. His fate was likely sealed when he lost to the Trinamool Congress’s Aroop Biswas in the April-May West Bengal assembly elections.During the first term of the BJP-led National Democratic Alliance government, Supriyo served as a minister of state for urban development, housing and urban poverty alleviation from November 2014 to July 2016, and minister of state for heavy industries and public enterprises from July 2016 to May 2019. He also served as minister of state for environment.BJP MP & ex-Union Minister Babul Supriyo quits politics, makes an announcement through his Facebook page.”Goodbye…— ANI (@ANI) 1627731457000