Larsen & Toubro has bagged construction orders worth Rs 2,084 crore, the engineering major said in a statement on Monday. The orders are for engineering and construction job for power transmission and distribution project. This include international orders in Saudi Arabia, UAE, Oman, Qatar and Malaysia. The company said it has won a “major order” in Saudi Arabia for the construction of 115kV substations with associated transmission lines and cable circuits. It recieved another order for 132kV cable works for a substation in Dubai, UAE.The other international orders are also for setting up of sub-stations. On the domestic front, the business has secured EPC orders from developers to build 235 mw of solar photovoltaic power projects in Tamil Nadu and Rajasthan. “A one of its kind solar photovoltaic plan, floating on a reservoir, will be implemented in Chittoor district of Andhra Pradesh, as a part of Tirupati Smart City mission,” L&T said in the statement. The company also won another order for a Rural Electricity Infrastructure Development project under the DDUGJY scheme in West Bengal.