UK’s Vodafone Group Plc. has strongly denied that it has any plans to exit India, saying it fully supports the management of its India joint venture – Vodafone Idea – in these çhallenging times’.“Vodafone is aware of the unfounded and baseless rumours circulating in some of the Indian media that we have decided to exit the market. We would like to categorically state that this is not true and is malicious,” the British major said in a statement Thursday.It added that Vodafone is actively “engaging with Government and we are fully supportive of our local management as they continue to manage our joint venture in these challenging times.”Loss making Vodafone Idea is among the worst hit by a recent Supreme Coyrt order broadening the definition of adjusted gross revenue (AGR), which has left the telco facing dues worth over Rs39,000 crore in license fees, spectrum usage charges, penalties and interest.The company has sought some relief from the government in the form of a waiver in the penalties and interest components. The stock ended 2.1% higher at Rs3.89 on the BSE Thursday, after the government set up a panel to study relief measures for the industry.