MUMBAI: Rating agency Standard & Poor’s lowered its foreign currency long-term corporate credit rating on London-listed mining conglomerate Vedanta Resources PLC to ‘B+’ from ‘BB-‘ with a negative outlook, citing weak financial performance expected in the next 12-18 months. Vedanta Resources has taken a big blow on profitability due to a meltdown in commodity prices. Uncertainty over ramp-up of aluminium and iron ore capacity have also hurt the company. “Low commodity prices, including our recent lowering of oil price assumptions, have hurt Vedanta Resources’ cash flows, which were already stretched by the company’s high debt,” said Standard & Poor’s credit analyst Mehul Sukkawala. The rating agency said it expects Vedanta Resources’ financial ratios to remain weak for the ‘BB-‘ rating irrespective of whether the company is successful in completing the merger between its intermediate holding company Vedanta Ltd. and its subsidiary Cairn India Ltd. It now expect Vedanta Resources’ ratio of funds from operations (FFO) to debt to remain below 10 per cent until fiscal 2017 compared with about 6 per cent in fiscal 2015. It revised assessment of Vedanta Resources’ financial risk profile to “highly leveraged” from “aggressive.” “The negative outlook reflects the risk that Vedanta Resources’ financing for its upcoming maturities could be delayed,” said Sukkawala. “It also reflects the risk of commodity prices remaining weak for a prolonged period, resulting in the company’s financial ratios not recovering in line with our expectations of FFO cash interest coverage rising above 1.75x in fiscal 2017.”