Veteran actor Kader Khan, known for his roles in films like ‘Himmatwala’, ‘Aaj Ka Daur’, ‘Judaai’, passed away on Monday at the age of 81 due to prolonged illness, his son Sarfaraz confirmed. Born on 22 October, 1937 , the actor made his debut in 1973 with Rajesh Khanna’s ‘Daag’, and went on to act in over 300 films.The 81-year-old was suffering from breathing issues and had been put on BiPAP ventilator in a hospital in Canada.He was reportedly suffering from Progressive Supranuclear Palsy, a degenerative disease that causes loss of balance, difficulty in walking and dementia. Khan went from playing the role of a villain in films like ‘Farz Aur Kanoon’, ‘Jeeo Aur Jeene Do’, ‘Naya Kadam’ and ‘Qaidi’ to winning hearts with his comic timing in ‘Hum’, ‘Bol Radha Bol’, ‘Aunty No. 1’, among others.