Bollywood’s power couple Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt, along with their daughter Raha Kapoor, are currently vacationing in Thailand with their family. The family trip includes Neetu Kapoor, Riddhima Kapoor Sahni, Bharat Sahni, Samara Sahni, Soni Razdan, Shaheen Bhatt, and filmmaker Ayan Mukerji. Riddhima ...
Today's top 5 entertainment news includes Khushbu Sundar's revelation about Rajiv Kapoor's alcohol addiction, Armaan Malik's wedding to Aashna Shroff, and Farmers criticizing Diljit Dosanjh for meeting PM Modi. Additional highlights feature Ranveer Singh's leaked look from 'Dhurandhar' sparking comparisons, and Salman Khan and ...
An old video resurfaces where Gauri Khan reveals how Shah Rukh Khan restricted her clothing choices due to insecurity, leading to temporary separation. This comes after Sangeeta Bijlani's revelation on Salman Khan's control over her attire, highlighting possessive behavior in past Bollywood relationships.