Abhay Verma essayed the role of a young villain in the Manoj Bajpayee-starrer ‘The Family Man 2’ and his lover-boy-turned-confused-terrorist act earned him a lot of praise. The actor stepped foot in the city of dreams nearly three years ago and after countless auditions, he is finally earning some substantial roles. After sharing the frame with stalwarts like Amitabh Bachchan and Aamir Khan in commercials, Abhay was roped in by Sanjay Leela Bhansali to essay a young PM Modi in their next production venture. From Hrithik Roshan’s ‘Super 30’ to the Manoj Bajpayee-led ‘The Family Man 2’ and ‘Mann Bairagi’ – Abhay Verma opens up on his journey in front of the camera.